Monday, September 1, 2008

A waiting game

Ben once said that he wasn't sure if he could stay in NOLA permanently because he didn't want to deal with hurricane season every year. I replied that at least you knew it was coming and could plan. With tornadoes, you got blind-sided. (Both of our families live in tornado-prone areas.) I still stand by my original statement but I'm not sure if I needed this much time to wait for it to happen! Ben got to St. Louis late yesterday morning. He was going to the hotel, to get lunch, and to sleep before reporting at 7:15pm last night. I could hear the exhaustion in his voice. Luckily, he was flying. The other man in his unit had to drive Ben's GV out of the city. Unfortunately, he had to take the admiral to the airport first and wasn't leaving until 8:30 yesterday morning. I'm not sure when he made it where he was going. Ben should be off already this morning but I've temporarily misplaced my cell phone and can't call him. It will turn up eventually. I continue to pray for all of our friends (and the friends and family that have taken in extra house guests.) In a few hours, we should know more. God bless.

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