The pics below are from the past few weeks. The picture in the yellow dress is Jacquelyn's 3 month b-day. What are the odds that I would dress her in the same one she had on in her 2 month pics? You wouldn't think they would be that high since she has so many different outfits. Jacob still loves to be close to her and I can't wait until she is old enough to play with him. She smiles when she sees him and he can make her laugh. She babbles quite a bit right now and is somewhat scheduled (if we were ever at home!) Ben just finished his last of three trips out of town. Unfortunately, it was in Iowa and he didn't find out until he got there that they were too flooded to do the training. He drove up just to turn around and drive back. He even called to verify the training earlier in the week but I guess they changed their mind. We have been getting rain for the past week so it's been difficult to do much. We went to the Aquarium yesterday and the Farmer's Market in Gretna today. The Aquarium was crowded with kids from area daycare groups and day camps but Jacob had a blast anyway. Jacquelyn slept through most of it. The grown-ups just tried not to go crazy from the hundreds of kids running around in an enclosed space. We will have to try on a different day next time!